Current Weather Invermere BC
Current Weather
Historical & Average Invermere Weather
- The average annual temperature in Invermere is 3.8 °C
- Yearly rainfall in Invermere averages 558mm or 46.5mm per month
- The average wind is 5.6 km/h and does not vary greatly throughout the year
Panorama Village

Fun Invermere BC Weather Facts
- March, April & October are the driest months in Invermere
- The variation in annual temperature is ~25.5 degrees Celsius
- The sunniest time of year is the end of July and early August
- June 21st is the longest day in Invermere at 16hrs and 28 minutes of daylight
Kinsmen Beach 1

Spring & Summer Weather in Invermere
- Spring typically arrives in Invermere in March
- Snow can remain on higher elevations for several months, offering the chance to golf and ski on the same day!
- June sees more average precipitation than April or May
- Summer Invermere temperatures are mild and warm
- The hottest weather in Invermere typically occurs around early August
- Average precipitation is 45mm per month
Fall Weather In Invermere
Fall in Invermere is temperate and perfect for outdoor activities:
- Golf at four area golf courses
- Experience a variety of fall activities at Panorama Mountain Resort
- Explore Columbia Valley Trails
- Paddle the Columbia River
- Take an ATV Tour
Winter Weather in Invermere BC
- Snowfall primarily accumulates in the mountains in Invermere, with the valley receiving less.
- The lakes surrounding Invermere are usually frozen over by the beginning of December.
- The coldest temperatures in Invermere occur late Dec/early Jan
- Winters temperatures in Invermere average between -10°C and 0°C.
Downtown Invermere

Copper Point Golf Club

Mount Swansea 1

Mount Swansea 2